Saturday, February 25, 2012

God's Gift

Have you ever noticed that things seem to go your way on your birthday? How about after you see a ladybug? Some superstitious people may say the ladybugs actually have the power to make you lucky, and others say it is just the positive thinking that does it. I have nothing against positive thinking, and I'm sure that that is part of it, but in actuality, God gives you that gift. On your birthday, God makes you lucky. Ladybugs are friendly, nice, and harmless, and God rewards those that don't hurt them. Luckiness is one of the many gifts God has bestowed upon humanity.


  1. Happy birthday!! :)
    I like your blog so far. That was a good post. I never really thought about luck like that before...

    1. Thank you, Ciara. My birthday was yesterday. The basis for that post was that I was at my football tournament, and we found a ladybug before the first game, and people started thinking about luck. Then, before the second game, we found another ladybug, and I started thinking about luck. Then I jokingly said, after the ladybug flew away, "We don't need ladybug luck. We already have my birthday luck, and *****'s decaying/dying/almost dead birthday luck. His birthday was a week ago." Then someone else said, "And we have your sister's birthday luck." Which is totally true. Her birthday was on Tuesday. So either way, I started thinking about luck. :)

  2. You're welcome. How did you do in the tournament? Did the birthday luck help? :P
    Luck... well at least you get it on your birthday :P I had to say a speech on my birthday. :/

    1. We won our first game but lost our second by two points. *Bangs head*
      That stinks. I like to talk though.

    2. Oh, that sucks. But good job for winning the first game! :)
      I hate saying speeches. I have two problems with them: 1. Memorizing, and 2. Speaking :P But I did get a good mark, and it wasn't good enough to go speak at districts which was good (did that make sense?) :P

  3. Congrats, I think. Anyway, thanks!
    I had to write two speeches and present them to my class last year. They were supposed to be under four minutes. The first one: four minutes, exactly (give or take a few milliseconds). Number two: 4 minutes 30 second.

    1. haha, thanks!
      Two? Ouch... (Well, it would be for me anyways...)
      Did you loose marks for going over time? Ours had to be 3-5 minutes.

    2. hmm... I replied to this. Looks like it didn't send... or something.
      Haha, you're welcome. Well at least you were close to being on time with the speeches ;) Did you lose any marks for going over time?
