Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let the Countdown Begin

Welcome to day one of the Hunger Games countdown. This is the time when we countdown to Reaping Day. The Hunger Games comes to theaters on March 23, so we begin our 23 days of Hunger Games. What team are you on: Team Peeta or Team Gale? I seriously haven't decided yet. I love them both, and a lot of my friends are on team Peeta. Of course, I know how it ends, so it doesn't matter what team I'm on. ;). But seriously. What team? Peeta or Gale?
-May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor
The Mysterious Writer

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hunger Games

Is anyone excited for the Hunger Games? I know I am. Boy, I can't wait. Who is your favorite character? How about your least favorite? What do you think will be better: the book or the movie? What was your favorite part in the book? Have you read all three books? Or just the first one? How about the second one? Let the countdown begin! Until the day the Hunger Games is released, I will be changing from my regular blog stuff and starting a countdown, beginning March 1st. And remember... May the odds be ever in your favor.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

God's Gift

Have you ever noticed that things seem to go your way on your birthday? How about after you see a ladybug? Some superstitious people may say the ladybugs actually have the power to make you lucky, and others say it is just the positive thinking that does it. I have nothing against positive thinking, and I'm sure that that is part of it, but in actuality, God gives you that gift. On your birthday, God makes you lucky. Ladybugs are friendly, nice, and harmless, and God rewards those that don't hurt them. Luckiness is one of the many gifts God has bestowed upon humanity.

My View On... Sports

While I'm here, I decided to do a little section about what I think about sports. Things like this will come up once in a while, so be prepared.
Does anyone truly care about sports? People say they do, but are they truly of any value, other than entertainment? Sports are just a filler. People really need to find God. That is the only thing that can truly fill the longing inside of you.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Extra Writing Prompt-Based on an Author

I saw Journey 2: The Mysterious Island today. I have to say, it was a lot better than I expected. And, I might add, I thought it was going to be great. I highly recommend it. And so I'm giving an extra writing prompt. Try writing based on a specific author. Especially one you like. So get to writing!

Weekly Writing Prompt-Fan Fiction

Write a short story about a book you like. Or two or three. Mix some stories together. Make the bird people form Maximum Ride somehow end up in camp Half-Blood by mistake. It doesn't matter what the story is about. Just write. If you have always wanted to be a demigod, write yourself into Percy Jackson and the Olympians. If you have always wanted to fly like a bird, write yourself into Maximum Ride. The definition of a fan fiction is: fiction written by fans of a TV series, movie, etc., using existing characters and situations to develop new plots.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome to the Writer's Workshop

Welcome writers, dreamers, readers, others. I am the Mysterious Writer, and I welcome you to my humble internet abode. Come in and share. Tell us about your writing. I won't bite. Write like you have never written before. And when you don't have anything to write about, check back weekly for new writing prompts. This is truly the Writer's Workshop